BI-connector AdRiver RedDigital for Google Data Studio

1.  Description

Connector AdRiver RedDigital is a tool for transmitting statistics from DSP Reddigital to quickly create professional reports in Google Data Studio.
These dashboards allow you to visualize and track critical metrics and KPI’s.

Track your business metrics.

Business Intelligence (BI) Reports collect your marketing data from ad platforms to quickly create professional reports within Google Data Studio.

Our dashboards allow you to visualize and monitor metrics and KPI’s.

Connect data in a single report.


2. Data and metrics

Objects: advertising campaigns

Granularity: days, date ranges


  • clicks
  • impressions (or 0-event for the video)
  • ctr,
  • reach
  • reach+
  • cost
  • video events: (Start, 25%, 50%, 75%, Complete (100%), Close, Skip)
  • super-click conversions
  • conversion control point (URL, code) of the website

 3. Connecting from Data Studio

The sequence of steps for getting data in Data Studio (for example RedDigital)

3.1. To connect Adriver-connector, log in to Data Studio

3.2. To create a report, find the connector named “RedDigital” in the Partner Сonnector list.

RedDigital connector

3.3. Log in to Data Studio for the Adriver-connector:

  • click “Allow”
  • for access, use your main login/password to log in to DSP or contact your Manager for separate access.

3.4. Select the advertiser.

select advertiser form

3.5. Select the type of campaign (media/video).

select placement type form

3.6. Select an ad campaign and click “Add” and “Add to report”.

select your company

3.7. Get your data from AdRiver via Reddigital-connector in the Data Studio report.

Get your data from AdRiver via Adriver-connector in the Data Studio report

4. Price

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